What Does Gifted Testing Cost?

At Arizona Child Psychology, PLLC, our Gifted Assessment fees are as follows:

Comprehensive Gifted / IQ Assessment:

  • Cognitive / IQ gifted testing

    utilizing a customized battery of psychological test instruments from the Arizona State Approved List (typically 2 to 3 hours)

  • Formal determination

    of IQ and performance in core cognitive domains

  • Review of cognitive

    strengths and / or weaknesses

  • Comprehensive report

    writing (typically 5 to 7 pages)

  • Customized recommendations

    based upon test results

Cost = $700 

Cognitive / Intelligence Screener:

  • Cognitive / Intelligence testing

    utilizing an abbreviated measure of intelligence (typically 20 to 30 minutes)

  • Summary report

    writing (typically 1 to 2 pages)

  • General recommendations

    based upon test results

Cost = $300 

Gifted Pic

Comprehensive Gifted / IQ Assessment plus Academic Achievement Testing:

  • Cognitive / IQ gifted testing

    utilizing a customized battery of psychological test instruments from the Arizona State Approved List (typically 2 to 3 hours)

  • Formal determination

    of IQ and performance in core cognitive domains

  • Formal academic

    achievement testing (typically 2 to 3 hours)

  • Review of cognitive

    and academic strengths and / or weaknesses

  • Comprehensive report

    writing (typically 8 to 10 pages)

  • Customized recommendations

    based upon test results

Cost = $1,500